Hi, yes, Hello!

I'm Kelsye, photographer and owner of Sunshine Studio Photography, LLC here in Lafayette, IN. I cannot wait to meet you and your family! In the meantime, let me tell you a little about me and mine.

Photography has always been a part of my life. In elementary school I did photography in 4H, and then I was lucky enough to go to a high school that offered a photography class. Back then I used my Granddad's 35mm film camera and developed my images in the high school's dark room. After having my first child I worked for a chain photography studio before starting my own business. Through the years my equipment and process has changed, but my passion for the art has stayed the same.

I am a certified 'boy mom' as I have FOUR sons. However, I am lucky enough to have a beautifully blended family that includes a few bonus kiddos as well. My family is my everything and one of the main reasons I started my photography business in the first place.

I have a confession...I'm not like most other photographers. I will forever fit in more with the "hot-mess" moms than I do with the "have-it-all-together" photographers. And you know what? That's okay!

...but what I really want to be is YOUR family's photographer.

Whether it's your kid's birthday or just time for your family's yearly updates, let's get your session booked today!

Photography crdit for this beautiful image of me and my husband goes to Brooke Ann Photography LLC.

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1803 East 350 South, Lafayette, IN 47909 (765) 471-9718